I don't know about you, but up at the top of my list of annoyances are squeaky floors.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
You go to great lengths to sidestep the area that squeaks, but it never fails, you usually end up stepping on the noisy spot anyway.
It seems like every time you step on the area, the noise seems to get louder and louder.
The only time I can think of that this might be a good thing to have might be if you have a couple of teenagers, and you want to catch them sneaking out late at night. 😊
But, if that isn't the case, I have a very easy tip for you to try and see if this will fix this annoying problem.
If your noise is located under carpet, use a stud finder to find a floor joist near the squeak and then use a drill to drive in a low-profile trim screw (use one without threads near the head) through the carpet and pad and into solid wood. If it is still making noise, drive it down a little bit more.
This should fix those carpeted floors that have that annoying noise!
If you have hardwood floors, this is an even easier fix. Sprinkle a god amount of baby powder on the cracks near the squeak. Use a broom to spread the powder around and make sure to get in down into the gaps and the cracks. You may need to work in the cracks with your hands, but this hack works like magic. Vacuum up the excess, and guess what?
No more annoying squeaky hardwood floors!
While you are down on your knees working in the baby powder, you may notice a few scuff marks from hard soled shoe traffic.
I've got a novel idea for you to get rid of those as well!
Use a tennis ball.
You read that right!
Take a tennis ball and the felt surface will buff out the scuffs.
Be sure to rub it vigorously over the scuff marks and let the felt do the work.
If you don't want to get down on your hands and knees, just cut a small x in the ball and use a broom handle to work the marks out.
So now you can enjoy your quiet and scuff-free wood floors.
Just don't tell those teen-agers! 😊